How we can help
Professional couple counselling can be invaluable…
It can improve communication, provide a safe place to explore deeper emotions and prior hurts, and improve your ability to work with difference.
It can deepen trust and emotional connection, allowing for the resurgence of attraction, romance and excitement in your relationship.
It can build skills and provide tools to help manage distress and anxiety, and address traumatic past experiences, removing their grip on the present.
Please read on for some specific areas where Eastern Couple Counselling can help…
Communication difficulties
No one is born knowing how to communicate effectively, and the ever increasing distractions of the modern world may sometimes cause us to be less than fully present with ourselves and others.
This can create distance and cause misunderstandings, loneliness and resentment in our close relationships. [more]
“Most marital arguments cannot be resolved. Couples spend year after year trying to change each other’s mind—but it can’t be done…”
Is it any wonder that conflict is a natural element of any relationship? No matter how well adjusted the couple, tension, arguments and disagreements will always arise… [More]
Emotional disconnection & distance
“Emotional disconnection is the biggest single factor in divorce.”
- Steven Stosny, Ph.D. Anger in the Age of Entitlement
When we feel disconnected emotionally from our partner, we may be left feeling hurt, alone, angry or hopeless. Many times we compound this problem by complaining, criticising or attacking our partner, or hiding our fear and hurt behind withdrawal… [More]
Adjusting to being parents
We’ll save you the suspense… you are NOT a ‘Perfect’ parent!
But the pressure to appear like you are - especially in the social media age - can be extreme.
Becoming a parent is such a personal journey; no book, website or stream of well-meaning advice can prepare you for your experience of parenthood, and the unique pressures it will place on your health, wellbeing, finances, and of course, relationship… [More]
Infidelity and affairs
Infidelity can be the most painful and hurtful situation a relationship will ever face. Being ‘cheated on’ activates primal feelings of rejection, undesirability and jealousy. It can be particularly destructive when one partner - through past experiences, upbringing or trauma - already struggles with their sense of self worth… [More]